FixHow to enable your Reading List in Google ChromeHow to enable your Reading List in Google Chrome This feature has already been activated on some…Andra SmithSeptember 01, 2021 1 min
How ToYandex added free blocking of annoying calls from unknown to its caller IDYandex added free blocking of annoying calls from unknown to its caller ID A new useful function…Andra SmithAugust 30, 2021 1 min
How ToAs in Firefox copy all open tabs?Imagine that you are doing an important task in your studies or work, but you are not at your…Andra SmithAugust 29, 2021 1 min
How ToHow to copy all open page on Chrome?An extension called TabCopy will help to cope with this task in the Google Chrome browser. After…Andra SmithAugust 29, 2021 1 min
How ToLimiting the size in FirefoxBy default, the Firefox browser has a limitation of the minimum and maximum scale. They are equal to…Andra SmithAugust 29, 2021 1 min
How ToSimplified Ctrl + V to Firefoxin the browser in experimental settings, there is an opportunity to include content insertion by…Andra SmithAugust 29, 2021 1 min