How ToHow access the reset function in Windows 10?In the may update of Windows 10, Microsoft removed the full OS reset feature. The company offers…Vitus WhiteJune 27, 2020 1 min
How ToHow launch the command line from the desired location?The command line in Windows is not the most convenient. To access a file through it, specify the…Vitus WhiteJune 27, 2020 1 min
How ToHow revoke a sent message in Gmail?There are cases when you accidentally send a text to the recipient while typing in Gmail. You can…Vitus WhiteJune 27, 2020 1 min
How ToHow to add an application to the context menu of the Windows desktop?If you need really quick access to launch a frequently used application, without adding additional…Vitus WhiteMay 11, 2020 1 min
How ToHow to determine the IP address of a router in Windows? If you ever needed to access the settings page of your router in order to make some changes to the…Vitus WhiteMay 11, 2020 1 min
How ToHow to determine a Windows product key using a VBS file? We previously described how to determine a Windows product key using the command line. However…Vitus WhiteMay 11, 2020 1 min