Apps & SoftwareHow to quickly download audio and video from any sitesOn the Internet, you can find many instructions for downloading media from Vkontakte, Instagram…Vitus WhiteJuly 10, 2021 1 min
Apps & SoftwareHow to receive SMS messages to your computerCurrently, SMS messages have not lost their relevance and are still one of the ways to confirm your…Vitus WhiteJuly 10, 2021 1 min
Apps & SoftwareHow to ruin your day a website with a bunch of pop-upsWho doesn't hate tons of pop-ups on websites? To properly read the content of a web page, you need…Vitus WhiteJuly 10, 2021 1 min
Apps & SoftwareHow to write in different fonts in TelegramIt's not always pleasant to see such a font in dialogs, but sometimes you want to diversify the…Vitus WhiteJuly 10, 2021 1 min
How ToHow to Use Cloudflare to Secure Your WordPress SiteCloudflare Firewall Rules for Securing WordPress This guide is aimed at security-minded webmasters…Vitus WhiteMarch 24, 2021 4 min
Apps & SoftwareHow to find out what Facebook knows about youFacebook knows a lot about you. Some of this information was transmitted during registration. But…Vitus WhiteJanuary 27, 2021 1 min