How ToHow to lock the iPhone voice?Imagine a situation when someone snatched your unlocked phone from you and does not want to give it…Andra SmithAugust 10, 2021 1 min
How ToHow to extract audio from video on iPhone?The task of extracting audio from a video may seem daunting, but it really isn't. Install the…Vitus WhiteJanuary 04, 2021 1 min
How ToHidden Chrome gestures on iPhoneChrome is a great alternative to Safari. By setting it as the default browser, you can use gestures…Vitus WhiteDecember 12, 2020 1 min
How ToHow to reduce noise and echo on iPhone voice notes?When recording voice notes on iOS, you may experience noise or echo. In order to reduce the sound…Vitus WhiteOctober 19, 2020 1 min