Apps & SoftwareWhatsApp voicemail scamWhatsApp users are being warned of a scam that could give hackers access to your WhatsApp account…Vitus WhiteApril 28, 2020 1 min
How ToHow to Secure a Website 7 Simple StepsHow to Secure a Website: 7 Simple Steps Install SSL Use anti-malware software Make your passwords…Vitus WhiteMarch 26, 2020 11 min
How ToHow to restrict people from adding you in WhatsApp groupsIt gets pretty annoying when people add you to WhatsApp groups that you do not want to be a part of…Vitus WhiteMarch 26, 2020 1 min
How ToHOW TO ENABLE WHATSAPP FINGERPRINTWhatsApp has officially rolled out the fingerprint unlock feature for all the Android users. Usually…Vitus WhiteMarch 25, 2020 1 min