It’s not always pleasant to see such a font in dialogs, but sometimes you want to diversify the conversation, or just play around with the text in Telegram. At such moments, the bots that will be discussed in this post may be very appropriate.There is such an in-line bot FancyChars, which can change the font of a message directly in the chat. The bot has 19 different font types. To use them, you need to call the bot in the desired chat via @FancyCharsBot, write the text and then select the font. The bot works with the Latin alphabet, and only 3 fonts are available for Cyrillic.
For Cyrillic, you can use @bzTopFontzBot. Only this bot is not in-line, and here you will need to copy the text from the bot, then paste it into the chat. But you can copy the text to any other social network. For example, for the original description on Instagram.
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