How change or create custom voice on a recording?If for some reason you want to change your voice on a sound recording, you can use the following…Vitus WhiteOctober 09, 2020 1 min
How do I create a photo of a non-existent person?If you need to install, for example, an avatar in social networks, but you don't want to use your…Vitus WhiteOctober 09, 2020 1 min
How do I know how long it will take to watch a series?If you find an interesting series and want to know how long it will take to watch it, use the…Vitus WhiteOctober 09, 2020 1 min
How to fix error 0x80070057 in Chrome?If you get a message when reinstalling Chrome: Installation failed, error code 0x80070057 this means…Vitus WhiteSeptember 03, 2020 1 min
How to lock the camera and microphone on laptop?If you are concerned about protecting your personal data and do not want malware to gain control…Vitus WhiteSeptember 03, 2020 1 min
How do block sites in Windows?If you want to block access to the site for children or friends with whom you use the same PC, you…Vitus WhiteAugust 31, 2020 1 min